Sunday, June 19, 2005

Father's Day

My Father's Day card from Mckenna. Complete with picture of me. I never looked so good.

Another card from Mckenna- I got 3 in all.

I had a nice day with the kids today. It was a very nice Father's Day. Tiya took me to the movies last night for an early Father's Day present. She called me while I was at BJ's Brewing Co. eating dinner and surprised me. We tried to see Batman Begins but it was all sold out so we went to see Madagascar. She took me out with her own money. Mckenna was so anxious to give me her presents. She made me 3 cards- all very nice and she made me a pencil holder with 7 pencils in it that she picked out all by herself. She also made a little book with paintings that she did in daycare. Devyn plans on taking me out to lunch.

I slept in a little and then I picked up the kids and we went out to Grandpa's house. The kids got to see their Aunt Shell, Uncle and Aunt Leslie and their cousins. We barbequed and then went to the pool. It was a beautiful day and we were at the pool for a few hours.


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